Friday, 30 March 2007

OH the pain!

As i mentioned in my first entry, i am going to try stop having car accidents. This is due to the fact that I had one on Monday.

This on it's own should be more than enough for one person, but NO!!! I also have whiplash! The last time I had whiplash was in the first week of my first year at university. I don't remember it being like this!

It took a couple days and a killer migraine to realise I may not be 100%. So i was taken off to the physio, i have no car, yesterday afternoon.

I got onto the bed, after showing off the impressive suppleness of my neck, (i remember it being better) and got ready for my massage. Turns out torture would be a more apt description! My physio, who has impressively strong thumbs, pressed every little knot and muscle in my neck. Of course i had to put up a brave front and tell her i was fine with the pain. Luckily i had my face stuck in the hole in the bed, so she couldn't she me screwing up my face in pain trying not to cry or scream like a little girl.

After about 25 minutes of torture (that also moved to the knots that have been in my shoulders for years - i was quite happy with them there!) we moved onto the arm wrenching and back clicking. this involves a vigorous spine cracking and then bending an arm into what feels like a backwards contortionist bend.

After 30 minutes of intense yet strangely satisfying pain, i stumbled out of the physio's offices, hair sticking up and crease marks around the edge of my face. I stood outside in the sun waiting for my mother to pick me up, feeling quite nauseous and wobbly, eating an Easter Egg (the Easter Bunny was visiting) trying to figure out whether i had subjected myself to a good or bad experience. i should have an answer after about 5 more sessions, that i am told will involve acupuncture needles....

but judging by the way i feel today, it was a horrid experience! I am sleep deprived and feel like Pinocchio (without the long nose).

I am hoping that a couple drinks, some muscle relaxants and painkillers i should be feeling a bit more relaxed and supple.... mmmmm...


Phlippy said...

Hahahahaha - that conortionist vibe sounds kinda kinky ;-).

Keep going, it gets better.

WhizBangLouLou said...

the kinky vibe? :-) I will persevere!!