Tuesday 19 June 2007

Blind faith?

This story of the Virgin Mary has grown! As has my consternation and disbelief.

The story was on Carte Blanche on Sunday. And seeing some of it made me even more sceptical. Seeing the people involved didn’t help either!

Word around the water cooler (from people who grew up in Benoni) is that the family is a bit dodgy and they have quite a reputation in the area, though this seems to be a common thing where some Lebanese families are concerned.

So I ask you, is this a ploy to make the family look better? Did you see what her brother-in-law looked like? Looked like a bit of a ‘breker’, someone you would never mess with, unless you were completely drunk and suffering from “short man syndrome.”

A psychologist on Carte Blanche said the following: “There could be a degree of histrionic acting out on this. But given the bits of information at hand, I would believe that it's a fair reality for her. Unless there is such an attention-seeking behaviour as to feed into a certain religious need that gets expressed by the family.” So she’s a bit crazy and delusional? Why has she not been put under some sort of observation or had some sort of treatment, just in case?

I personally think this is a result of the fact that her clearly better looking sister won the Miss Lebanon SA pageant and went to Lebanon to compete and came in the top 3 in that competition. People keep going on about how pretty her older sister is and how wonderful she is. Must really suck living in her shadow.

And now she is making people blind because they are staring into the sun to see the virgin…I wonder if she can heal the blindness she’s causing? Seems she isn’t even taking responsibility for it….

According to IOL, “Amal Nassif believed 17-year-old Francesca Zackey when she said the Virgin Mary would appear if Nassif gazed into the sun.Now 37-year-old Nassif, a devout Catholic, may be blind for life.

Now she says at least four other people also damaged their eyes after being told "the lady" would spin the sun and confirm her presence to her believers.

However, Zackey says Nassif's problem is not her fault and that she is praying for the woman. “

Is this what they call blind faith? Is it worth it?

1 comment:

Shugapaige said...

i also read about the Nassif lady this morning on the front page of the newspaper... it is sooo sad that people can get fooled into believing some of the stuff that is going around....

someone said to me today there has been reports in the past where people claim that they have seen the Virgin Mary.. but that the messages she had given to them at that stage was never made public like our dear Zackey is doing...

anycase.. i do feel sorry for those who have fallen for this....

nice post..