Monday 11 June 2007

A call to all men...


I am sick of men with no balls! This generally includes all men (except my dad, I'm a daddy's girl!) they can’t say what they really think and for some reason think that us girls can’t handle the truth. WRONG!

Seriously, why do you think the book “He’s Just Not That Into You” is a bestseller?! It’s because men are pussies! I would like to offer some advice… Just say it like it is! Sure, it’ll bruise her ego a bit in the beginning but it’s better than stringing her along and letting her down even more at a later stage. The quicker it’s done the less damage you cause. It’s really not quantum physics!

If confronted by a girl (and your balls have disappeared) and give an ‘explanation’ such as “I’m not ready/ Give me a month/ Let’s take it slow” etc, you may be worth considering (from her point of view), should there be absolutely nothing on the horizon but I am now of the opinion that these guys aren’t.

I am especially of this opinion when a guy gives such an explanation and then acts in an entirely opposite manner with some tarty looking ho. This is when I say “KISS MY ASS!”. Guys like that are just not worth the hassle or the time. If they can insult you like that, who knows what they would be capable of down the line? I wouldn’t want to stick around to find out!

So, the moral of the story is they as a guy you should be upfront and say it like it is, as soon as you get the chance. This will actually get you some more respect in the long run.

And on a final note, I am throwing in the towel. I am done. I have been playing this “game” for 15 years now. I am tired.

But don’t get me wrong! Should someone fantastic come along, I may re-evaluate. I just can’t keep dealing with the guys I mentioned above! It’ll take a lot more to get me interested.

So this is a relatively disillusioned girl saying I am done with the dating game and I need to find a new hobby.

P.S. PLEASE no soppy, “inspirational” or heart warming comments. I don’t need them and may lose my lunch! Thanks!


lordwiggly said...

Sheesh, men can be total arseholes sometimes. I guess there is no excuse for behaviour like that.

WhizBangLouLou said...

I don't suppose there is... but the question is whether a man has the balls to even attempt an excuse. and this is what us girls ahve to deal with... sigh.... Not really worth the hassle?